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All translations - Aneta B.

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Source language
Latin Lier etiam Ruth ab eo conscriptus est, a quo &...
Liber etiam Ruth ab eo conscriptus est, a quo & liber Iudicum, cum decisus asseratur ex libro Iudicum.

Completed translations
English For the Book of Ruth was written by the person...
Source language
Latin Non lucror exposita scienta ad astra
Non lucror - exposita scientia - ad astra
Motto for det danske rumprojekt Copenhagen Suborbitals.

Non lucror exposita scienta ad astra
--> Non lucror - exposita scientia - ad astra
<edited by Aneta B.>

Completed translations
English I have no profit - things of science exposed - to the stars
Danish stjernerne
Swedish Jag har ingen profit
Source language
Latin Liber Josue et Judicum non ponuentur inter...
Liber Josue et Judicum non ponerentur inter prophetales, quia quamquam prophetae essent, qui illos scripserunt: tamen non mittebantur ipsi a domino ad denunciandum ea, quae habentur in illis.
ipsia --> ipsi <Anet B.>

Completed translations
English The Book of Joshua and the Book of Judges
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Estonian ma lahen ka joa alla pesema ennast.
ma lahen ka joa alla pesema ennast.

Completed translations
English I'll go under the falls and wash myself.
Turkish şelalenin altına girip kendimi yıkayacağım.
Latin Intrabo sub cataractam et me lavabo.
Source language
Danish lev stærkt, dø ung
lev stærkt, dø ung

Completed translations
Latin fortiter vive, adulescentia morere
Source language
English This is where I belong
This is where I belong
trying to formulate a family motto, in the spirit of 'carpe diem' but trying to convey that my current surroundings/environment are exactly where i'm supposed to be

Completed translations
Latin Ad eundem locum pertineo
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Turkish herkes haddini bilmeli ve ona göre hareket etmeli
herkes haddini bilmeli ve ona göre hareket etmeli

Completed translations
English Everybody should know..
Spanish Cada uno debe saber...
Latin Quisque limites suos noscere debet
Italian Tutti dovrebbero conoscere i propri limiti ed agire di conseguenza
Source language
Latin In oppido graecorum statuae multae sunt.
In oppido graecorum statuae multae sunt.
<hw>100114/ pias</hw>

Edits done ("graecum" --> "Graecorum") on notif. from Aneta.

multa --> multae <Aneta B.>

Completed translations
Spanish En la ciudad de los griegos hay muchas estatuas
Catalan En la ciutat dels grecs hi ha moltes estàtues.
English There are a lot of statues in the ...
Source language
Latin Quaeretur ulterius, quare hoc modo omnes libri...
Quaeretur ulterius, quare hoc modo omnes libri veteris testamenti, qui habentur in canone non vocantur prophetales. Nam illi sunt prophetales, qui a prophetis conscripti sunt; nam deperdita lege Esdras omnes libros veteris testamenti restauravit, ipse autem propheta est, et prophetice hoc egit.
Quaretur --> Quaeretur <edited by Aneta B.>

Completed translations
English They will search further, why this ...
Source language
Danish En kvinde taler med en mand, ser på en anden og...
En kvinde taler med en mand, ser på en anden og tænker på en tredje.

Completed translations
Latin Femina cum altero viro loqitur...
Source language
French Vis chaque jour comme le dernier, un jour tu...
Vis chaque jour comme le dernier, un jour tu auras raison
Tout d'abord je remercie toute la communauté pour l'aide apporté.

Cette phrase est une pensée que je souhaiterai faire traduire en Latin pour un tatouage dans le dos.

Merci a vous

Completed translations
Latin Omnem diem ita vive, ut is ultimus sit...
Source language
Polish pozdrawiam
Pozdrawiam milutko i niech w sercu będzie ci Lauro cieplutko. I jeszcze słodkiego caluska x

Completed translations
English I warmly greet you and may your heart be warm...
Source language
Turkish Arife tarif gerekmez
Arife tarif gerekmez

Completed translations
Latin Verbum sapienti satis est
Source language
Greek Δεν γεννήθηκα για να χάνω
Δεν γεννήθηκα για να χάνω

Completed translations
Latin Non natus sum ut amittam
Source language
English You can't fail if you don't give up
You can't fail if you don't give up
<edit> "cant" and dont" with "can't" and "don't" -as it is the way it reads in correct English-</edit>

Completed translations
Latin Perdere non potes si deditionem non facis.
Source language
Swedish Låt det förflutna vara förflutet, lämna framtiden...
Låt det förflutna vara förflutet, lämna framtiden ifred, lev nu.
Bridge: "Let the past be past, leave the future alone, live now." /pias 100122.

Completed translations
Latin Praeteritis praeterita esse permitte...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Romanian Dumnezeu este cu mine, numai el mă ...
Dumnezeu este cu mine, numai el mă poate judeca
<bridge>"God is with me, only He can judge me."<Freya>

Completed translations
Latin Deus mecum est, is solus me iudicare potest
Source language
Portuguese Vocês são a minha vida, quero-vos para todo...
Vocês são a minha vida, quero-vos para todo sempre.

Completed translations
Latin Vita mea estis, in perpetuum vos habere volo.
Source language
Portuguese Pense, Reflita, Imagine filosofia!
Pense, Reflita, Imagine filosofia!

Completed translations
Latin Cogita, vide, philosophiam tibi animo finge!
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